Friday 8 October 2010

Research: Channel 4- The 100 Greatest Music Videos

I did some research into music videos to see what makes a successful video but also learn from their accomplishment. I watched the Channel 4 show “100 Greatest Music Videos” which gave a countdown of the best music videos of our time.

No. 96- So Solid Crew “21 seconds”

This song allows the band member “21 seconds” to perform their rap. Each member raps about their escapism. They tell their story about their life and how they got there in different ways. This group were seen as a danger to the public for the wild and without concern actions.

No. 90- The Pet Shop Boys “Go west”

This song was released in 1993 and was a huge success; the song highlights the “camp” nature and shows the audience that times are changing. It was seen as “commercial art” and a way of glorifying a search for freedom.

No. 88- Elton John “I want love”

Elton john avoided starring in his own videos when possible; in this video he has hired Robert Downy Junior. During this time RDJ was in rehab for drug addiction and was taken out to shoot this video. Although we cannot afford to hire artists for our music video it shows that the artist does not have to star in their own video. Elton has recently used artists like Justin Timberlake and Scarlet Johansson in his videos.

No. 76- Godley and Crème “Cry”

This video includes faces of ordinary people mining to the song. They use a great fade effect to change the face of the person singing. This allowed them to even create faces as the fade effect would slowly change which lead them to having half of the pervious person singing combined with the next person singing.

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