Tuesday 12 October 2010


We wanted to try out some of our ideas so when it came to doing it for our music video, we knew how it would look on camera. We chose to shoot the extreme close up of Casey’s eyelid with the title of the song written on with liquid eyeliner.

This is me filming the shot of Casey's eye blinking in normal time:

Once we had uploaded this footage on the Mac computers, we wanted to experiment and make an interesting shot. We chose to make the eye blink in slow motion in order to let the audience read what is written on her eye and also to make it look more interesting. We achieved a slow motion effect by pressing "cmd and J".

We then decided to add a black and white effect on the video. As we are still learning how to use Final cut express, we searched how to do this effect on Google. This lead us onto the following website; 'http://www.brighthub.com/multimedia/video/articles/2961.aspx' which gave us a step-by-step description that helped us create this effect:

Below is our finished shot:

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