Wednesday 10 November 2010


We made this animatic to show our storyboard in an interesting way. This animatic shows a simple version of what we hope our video will look like. Some of the shots last a long time, within these long shots we will show other interesting shots but we just wanted to highlight the locations and a rough idea of our video.

Our storyboard has taken the concept of "Cinderella" but with a twist. The changing of the shoes at the start of the video hints at the idea of Cinderella's "glass slipper" which is an important part of the story. The video will then go on to show the pocket watch which is at 12 o’clock, this turns everything dreadful for Casey as her hair and makeup begin to get ruined. Instead of the happy ending in Cinderella we have chosen to take a more sinister ending by having Casey watch her "ex-boyfriend" walk away and move on with his new girlfriend. She sadly turns off the light of the lamp which ends the video.

I am aware that our finished video will not look exactly like this as we might change ideas when we are shooting due to not being able to reach the shot we hoped, or we both decide that some parts of the video simply did not work. Hopefully things will go our way and we produce something similar to our original plan.

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