Saturday 13 November 2010

First day of filming!

We decided to take a photo of our location to show how it looked like before we added props.

First location: Garden

Second location: Garage

Originally, we had planned to use the trampoline as a table and cover it with material but on the day we decided it was too big and would take up most of the garden which limited our filming space. To resolve this issue we decided to put two garden tables together to create one perfect size table.

Another issue we had was we took too much time deciding the costume; this took up more time than expected. This effected us as when we started filming we were an hour off schedule which meant it got darker quicker and we did not get as much footage as we would have liked.

Also we decided to close the shed as it would have taken us to long to clear it out and put up the lights, instead we set up the lights outside the front of the shed which we think turned out better.

Unfortunately, as the time was against us we did not get as many shots as we would have hoped. We will look back at the footage on Monday and organise another day to film to capture what we didn't manage today.

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