Monday 28 February 2011

Audience Feedback

I created a survey which included questions on my music video, magazine advert and digi pak. We asked people in our media class to watch our video and then fill in the online survey. Below is the survey I created on '':

The most popular answers we recieved were:

Question 1: Teenage Girls.

Question 2: Yes.

Question 3: Positive: Good Lip synching and dancing.

Question 4: Negitive: When the lip synching changes to another location is does not blend well.

Question 5: Magazine advert rated ‘Good’.

Question 6: Could have made ‘Excellent’ if the text was organized better.

Question 7: Digi Pak rated ‘Excellent’.

Question 8: The black and white effect worked well and complimented the video.

I also created a similar questionnaire on microsoft word. I followed the same procedure where I asked the audience to watch the music video and fill in the questionnaire. The majority of the answers were the same as the results from the 'surverymonkey' survey.

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