Tuesday 14 September 2010

Copyright law

Due to copyright laws, when looking for our song, we must only use unsigned artists who have given us permission to use their song. Below is direct quotes from 'The UK Copyright Service, Fact Sheet P-07: Music Copyright"

"Using the work of others
If you use samples of music by other authors in your work, ensure that you get permission to use the work before you attempt to publish or sell your work. Similarly, if you use loops or samples available via sample collections etc. ensure that these are licensed as free to use, or obtain permission first.

Obtaining permission
If you need to get permission to use a piece of music, normally the best place to start is with the last know publisher for the work. They will certainly know how to get permission to use the work, (as they must have permission themselves), so they will certainly know who you would need to contact."

This is the site I used to get the information:

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