Friday 10 September 2010

Purpose and Success Criteria

What is the Purpose of a Music Promo Video?

The first music video to be viewed on MTV was "Video Killed the Radio Star" by The Buggles. This led other artists to produce music videos for many reasons:

•Draws attention to the music/song
•Illustrates the song
•Appeals to a visual audience
•Expresses an individual’s emotions
•Tells a Story
•Markets and image
•Promotes the artist/single/album
•Persuades audience to buy the CD or download
•Raises the audience awareness or profile of the artist/group
•To make an artistic statement e.g. “Once in a lifetime” by Talking Heads
•Product Placement e.g. Christina Aguillera advertised her new perfume in her video “not myself tonight”

How might we Measure the Success Criteria of a Music Promo Video?

Most viewing of music videos now appears to be online (YouTube) than TV channels like MTV. A way we can measure the success of a music video is through award shows e.g. VMA- Music Video Awards. Other ways we can do this is through:

•Sales of the song- downloads/ CDs sold
•Word of mouth
•Newspaper articles/ TV reports
•How many times shown on TV- music channels
•Amount of Publicity

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