Thursday 30 September 2010

Learning Process

From this task I have learnt many things such as Bluetooth: I now know how to transfer a file from my mobile to the computer (and vice versa). Also it has allowed me to use final cut express in depth and I now feel confident that when it comes to editing my music video, I can do so easily.

When beginning our preliminary task I was oblivious to the fact that the lip syncing would be so difficult. Both Casey and Megan learnt the song before filming, which made the video look better as they did not need the lyrics in there hands. We also had to time when to start the song, when I should begin recording and when Casey should start singing. We played the song out loud on our mobile, this made editing easier as we could match the song we imputted to the lyp syning we recorded.

Overall, I think our video has good lip syncing but I feel we can still improve in that area.

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