Thursday 10 March 2011

Evaluation- Question 2

2.) How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts (DVD Digipak, Magazine Advert)?

The combination between our magazine advert and digi pak is very effective because we have kept the simple theme which is in our music video. Before watching the music video, the magazine advert shows the audience what the video will be like.

The music video and ancillary texts compliment each other well which is effective because our target audience (13+ girls) who are attracted to the magazine advert will go and watch the music video and later on buy the digi pak.

Links between our music video and digi pak:

We chose to have the same ballet position that is seen at the end of the video as one of our digi pak covers to keep the theme of ballet. This is effective as people know what to expect from the video and the artist by looking at the digi pak.

Links between our music video and magazine advert:

The same image is used of the pointe shoes to highlight the dance theme within the song. This is effective because it attracts our target audience of teenage girls.

Overall we kept the black and white effect throughout our ancillary texts to match the relaxed style of the video. We also used ballet images to reinforce the theme of the song, this is effective as it attracts the right audience.

We also used the same font which is another similarity between our digi pak and magazine advert to insure that the audience who have seen the advert would quickly find the digi pak in the shops and boost sales.

Making the advert appeal to the correct audience is vital as they will later on buy the album.

We also asked a few people: ‘How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts (DVD Digipak, Magazine Advert)?’

This was their feedback:

Feedback 1: 'The black and White theme kept throughout the film was a nice touch; also the dancing shows that the video is simple but elegant'.

Feedback 2: ‘The magazine advert is a very striking image and fits in well with the Digi Pak which has the black and white theme.’

Feedback 3: ‘The digi pak and advert is very stylish and adapts with the song'.

Below is a short power point showing the above information:

I created this PowerPoint on Microsoft office and then put it on 'slideshare' which enabled me to upload it on my blog.

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