Monday 7 March 2011

Evaluation- Question 3

3.)What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

We made a questionnaire regarding our music video, digi pak and magazine advert. I did this on Microsoft word which I then printed off and gave to students in our media class. I asked them to watch our video and kindly fill in the questionnaire. Below is a picture of the questionnaire with the most frequent answers circled:

By creating a survey, it allowed me to see what people thought of my video which is important as we learn what the audience liked and disliked. This information is helpful because, if we had the opportunity to do the video again or create another video we can use the feedback we received and interpret it in our next video.

In order to get more feedback we created an only survey using ‘Survey’ which we distributed through Facebook. A screen shot of the survey is below:

Question 1: Teenage Girls.

Question 2: Yes.

Question 3: Positive: Good Lip synching and dancing, however one person said it was too girly perticularly with all the ballet.

Question 4: Negitive: When the lip synching changes to another location is does not blend well.

Question 5: Magazine advert rated ‘Good’.

Question 6: Could have made ‘Excellent’ if the text was organized better.

Question 7: Digi Pak rated ‘Excellent’.

Question 8: The black and white effect worked well and complimented the video.

From my audience feedback i learnt:

This feedback was a learning experience and very successful, if I was able to do this music video project I would do a few things differently such as:

-I have realised that we have alientated the male target audience as our music video includes ballet, a topic which male figures are not too interested in. Perhaps we could have showed more of the relationship with the male character to attract the boy audience.

- All things considered our target audience research for this type of song was a teenage girl audience. Looking at our audience feedback we can safely say that we achieved our goal as teenage girls said they enjoyed our video.

-Due to timing issues it meant we did not give enough attention to our digi pak and magazine advert.

-I would have chosen the images more carefully and used Photoshop to produce a more advanced magazine advert and digi pak.

-The images chosen are very ballet based which meant that we limited our audience- instead we could have used a guitar image to attract a wider audience or simple close-up shots of the Christmas lights when the camera is not in focus.

I created a wordle image which includes some comments from our audience feedback. I did this on ‘’. Below is the image:

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